UNIGIS @ GeoSmart Asia 2017, Kuala Lumpur

/, News/UNIGIS @ GeoSmart Asia 2017, Kuala Lumpur

UNIGIS @ GeoSmart Asia 2017, Kuala Lumpur

>UNIGIS was invited to contribute to the >GeoSmart Asia 2017 conference held in Putrajaya, Malaysia from August 22-24 and to organise the ‘Geospatial Youth Forum‘ bringing academia, industry, organisations and students onto a common platform for promoting career-oriented face-to-face interaction. >GeoSmart Asia is one of the largest regional conferences focussed on geospatial themes in Asia and is being annually organised in countries across the region. UNIGIS has been entrusted with a prominent role of conducting Geospatial Capacity Building sessions since 2005 and this was the 15th continuous session coordinated by UNIGIS at this international event.

Dr. Shahnawaz (Director, UNIGIS S/E Asia) gave a framework presentation and moderated the forum involving about 50 attendees from India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The main session was designed for students’ presentations and 12 students utilised this platform for presenting their research work on Masters and PhD levels.

Dr. Shahnawaz handing-over the ‘Best Student Paper Award‘

A jury consisting of the moderator and 2 judges, i.e.  Dr. Lam Kuok-Choy (>National University of Malaysia, Bangi) and Dr. Ariel C Blanco (>University of the Phillipines, Diliman) assessed the presentations based on several criteria and conferred the ‘Best Student Paper Award‘ on Ms. Safrina Wahyu Trisyanti from >Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia who presented her paper on ‘3D City Modeling Non-Building Thematic: Vegetation and City Furniture ‘.


2017-08-29T19:54:32+00:00August 28th, 2017|Blogs, News|0 Comments