UNIGIS Salzburg Webinars

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UNIGIS Salzburg Webinars

UNIGIS Salzburg Webinars in May 2023

UNIGIS Salzburg is hosting two free upcoming webinars regarding UNIGIS courses, namely:

  • UNIGIS Opcional Modules Day – registration here
  • Info Webinar – Studying Geoinformatics online – registration here

You decide to study UNIGIS? Then, you know what you want and what awaits you: a university degree in Geoinformatics. Eventually, all this has to be reconciled with your social environment and comes on top of an often busy working life. We at UNIGIS know that and, as a result, the UNIGIS programs are designed to be compact and to support efficient studying. The curriculum lists the courses – called modules – which must be completed. At the beginning of their studies, students are provided with a timetable that specifies the sequence of these compulsory modules. In such a fixed framework, one might wonder: Where is the opportunity to define one’s own focus, to explore new areas, or to simply try out the unknown?

You can find more information under this link


The Optional Modules Day, on 9 May 2023 4-6 PM (CEST)

The Info Webinar, on 16 May 2023, 4-5 PM (CEST)



2023-05-02T16:26:07+00:00May 2nd, 2023|Blogs, Events|0 Comments