UNIGIS Krakow – Intro Workshop for New Students

//UNIGIS Krakow – Intro Workshop for New Students

UNIGIS Krakow – Intro Workshop for New Students

On Saturday, February 13 the UNIGIS community was enlarged with a group of 50 new MSc students from Poland. They participated at the opening residential UNIGIS workshop (Feb 13-14) in Krakow, at the Jagiellonian University.

This intake is supported by the European Social Fund within a project dedicated to employees at enterprises. The group is strong, highly motivated and ambitious. All share the common goal of achieving an advanced qualification in Geographic Information Science & Systems in order to stimulate their careers and to enhance their professional skills.

2016-11-21T10:23:18+00:00February 15th, 2010|Blogs|0 Comments