UNIGIS at IGF’2014, Hyderabad, India!

//UNIGIS at IGF’2014, Hyderabad, India!

UNIGIS at IGF’2014, Hyderabad, India!

UNIGIS was again invited to coordinate a Geospatial Capacity Building and Student Forum at this year’s India Geospatial Forum held at the International Convention Centre, Hyderabad from 5th to 7th February, 2014. Geospatial Media and Communications celebrated this conference as its 100th event organised since 1998. The contributions UNIGIS has made in bringing together academia, industry and various organisations on a common platform for face-to-face discussions about a range of issues related to Geospatial Capacity Building continuously since 2003 were highly appreciated.
Dr. Shahnawaz, Director (S/E Asia), UNIGIS International lead a day long Geospatial Capacity Building and Student Forum on 7th February. More than 70 eminent academicians, industry leaders, successful professionals and young students discussed about the lessons learned from the past and their visions about future pathways based on a Report of the National Task Force on Geospatial Education released in August 2013 (Download PDF).
An Annual Meeting of the UNIGIS India community was organised on 6th February during the IGF’ 2014 where more than 25 alumni, current students and instructors shared their views about the UNIGIS Online Distance Learning programme for Geoinformatics education. The major message from the alumni to the current and future students was that UNIGIS is truly dedicated to ‘Enhancing the Competences of GI-professionals Worldwide’ and it has been serving as a catalyst in the career advancement of a large number of aspirants for more than 20 years!
2016-11-21T10:23:04+00:00February 8th, 2014|Blogs|0 Comments