UNIGIS at ESRI International User Conference in San Diego

//UNIGIS at ESRI International User Conference in San Diego

UNIGIS at ESRI International User Conference in San Diego

UNIGIS actively participated in the ESRI International User Conference, July 12-16 2010.
Monday night UNIGIS was present at the ‘Academic GIS Program Fair’, and from Tuesday to Thursday was available for attendees at a large booth in the main exhibit hall, providing information on all UNIGIS Distance Learning offerings worldwide. A lot of people stopped by to find out about UNIGIS: current UNIGIS students and alumni, prospective UNIGIS students, university faculty/staff as well as prospective UNIGIS member institutions.
Representatives from UNIGIS USC, Latin America, Salzburg and Poland staffed the booth, presented UNIGIS programs and actively promoted UNIGIS studies worldwide.

2016-11-21T10:23:17+00:00July 19th, 2010|Blogs|0 Comments