UNIGIS MSc and diploma students take off into 2014

//UNIGIS MSc and diploma students take off into 2014

UNIGIS MSc and diploma students take off into 2014

Personal interaction with peers and access to basic information about
study administration and curriculum content were at the focus of two introductory workshops held in Salzburg. 15 highly motivated students from the
German-speaking world participated in the UNIGIS professional workshop from 31th January to 1st February 2014.

The introductory UNIGIS MSc ‘study
day’s on 6th and 7th February were attended by 40 new students from Germany,
Austria, Switzerland and the Czech Republic. Diverse educational and professional backgrounds of UNIGIS students contribute to making personal get-togethers in Salzburg not only informative but also enriching and exciting start-up events.

The UNIGIS MSc and professional teams are wishing our new candidates all the
best for their upcoming tasks, and are looking forward to seeing everyone soon again at one or aother future event!
UNIGIS professional 01/2014
2016-11-21T10:23:04+00:00February 17th, 2014|Blogs|0 Comments