Nepal mapped on UNIGIS International network!

//Nepal mapped on UNIGIS International network!

Nepal mapped on UNIGIS International network!

Nepal secured its location on the map of the UNIGIS International network  last week after UNIGIS@Kathmandu welcomed its first batch of 10 students. An orientation workshop was jointly conducted by Dr. Shahnawaz (Director S/E Asia, UNIGIS International) and Dr. Krishna Poudel (Coordinator, UNIGIS@Kathmandu) from 1st to 4th August, 2012 at the host institution Kathmandu Forestry College (KAFCOL).

The opening session of the orientation workshop was attended by about 30 participants including current and potential UNIGIS students, top administration of KAFCOL and several senior officials from various national and international agencies in Nepal. The Principal of  KAFCOL, Dr. Bishnu Hari Pandit, welcomed the participants and expressed immense pleasure that his college has become a study centre of a unique international network active in offering high quality GIScience education worldwide. Some senior officials conveyed that they have great expectations from UNIGIS MSc graduates in terms of  increasing the highly skilled GI-workforce in Nepal, because this is the first Master level GIScience study programme in the country.

UNIGIS@Kathmandu plans to expand academic and professional links with academia and industry in Nepal as well as organise awareness / introductory workshops in different parts of the country. UNIGIS@Kathmandu will seek close collaboration with the Nepal GIS Society for promoting common objectives.

2016-11-21T10:23:11+00:00August 5th, 2012|Blogs|0 Comments