Learning step by step: UNIGIS Salzburg offers a new Microlearn-Application

//Learning step by step: UNIGIS Salzburg offers a new Microlearn-Application

Learning step by step: UNIGIS Salzburg offers a new Microlearn-Application

The UNIGIS distance learning programme provides not only theoretical concepts in Geoinformatics and GIScience, but also highly application-oriented skills: Keeping up with the latest concepts in methodology and didactics is one of the goals of the UNIGIS Team.

Since February 2014 UNIGIS Salzburg offers the opportunity to use the Microlearn-Application “Knowledge Pulse”, developed by Research Studios Austria. As we know it from “googling” or learning of vocabulary with index cards, Microlearning is a learning concept to strengthen the knowledge step by step within a short period. Especially students of a distance learning programme have a lot of advantages by using this application: The software can be installed on notebooks, smartphones or tablets and can be used regardless of the location. A great number of UNIGIS students are already using the great opportunity of Microlearning.

More information on UNIGIS distance learning: > www.unigis.net

2016-11-21T10:23:03+00:00March 11th, 2014|Blogs|0 Comments