2013 UNIGIS class starting at Madras, India

//2013 UNIGIS class starting at Madras, India

2013 UNIGIS class starting at Madras, India

The 3rd intake of MSc and professional certificate students at UNIGIS@Madras University, India started its UNIGIS studies from 2nd September, 2013. Dr.
Shahnawaz (Director UNIGIS S/E Asia) and Dr. R. Jaganathan (Coordinator
UNIGIS@Madras) conducted a 2 days online orientation workshop with the 11 new
students on 31st August and 1st September. These candidates were introduced to the UNIGIS mode of online distance education in Geographical Information Science and Systems as well as given a detailed orientation about learning management, assessment and available resources.

All these students are excited to embark upon a unique experience of achieving their international academic qualification by studying and completing an international online distance learning programme.

2016-11-21T10:23:06+00:00September 2nd, 2013|Blogs|0 Comments