UNIGIS Workshops in Poland

//UNIGIS Workshops in Poland

UNIGIS Workshops in Poland

February was very busy for the UNIGIS site in Poland, as two UNIGIS workshops took place: an opening workshop for intake 2008 and a closing workshop for intake 2006.

On Saturday 16th of February 25 new students started their MSc studies. The new group has mostly environmental backgrounds, however some of them work in IT. After the first month of their studies, theyhave already submitted their first assignments.

One week later their 30 ‘older’ colleagues from intake 2006 were taking part in the closing UNIGIS workshop. The most successful students, who obtained the best grades and those who most frequently took part in online discussions were awarded with UNIGIS souvenirs. Their studies were supported by the European Social Fund within a project dedicated to employees at enterprises.

2016-11-21T10:23:20+00:00March 12th, 2008|Blogs|0 Comments