UNIGIS Kraków – new MSc Students

//UNIGIS Kraków – new MSc Students

UNIGIS Kraków – new MSc Students

On Saturday, February 15th, 11 new students started their MSc studies at the Jagiellonian University in Poland and were taking part in the opening UNIGIS workshop. 
The new group has mostly environmental academic backgrounds, but very different professional experience. All share the common goal of achieving an advanced qualification in Geographic Information Science & Systems in order to stimulate their careers and to enhance their professional skills. The group is small but ambitious and strongly motivated, what will essentially help them to successfully work during the challenging 2-year program.
It was a pleasure to welcome new students in our network, we all wish them a lot of successes!
2016-11-21T10:23:19+00:00February 16th, 2009|Blogs|0 Comments