UIA Academic Excellence Prize 2009

//UIA Academic Excellence Prize 2009

UIA Academic Excellence Prize 2009

The UNIGIS Int’l Association is pleased to announce the launch of its 2009 Academic Excellence Prize. The Academic Excellence Prize, launched by UIA in 2007/8, is awarded on an annual basis to a student, from one of the UNIGIS partner universities worldwide, who produces the most outstanding MSc Dissertation/Thesis or paper during the academic year (which here means 1st Sept 2008 to 31st August 2009). All UNIGIS centres are encouraged to take part in the competition.

Candi­dates must submit their MSc thesis or their paper to the graduating UIA partner institution no later than August 31.

UNIGIS members are reminded that they can only enter two students in any one year.

The standard of the work submitted last year was very high and UIA expect the same high standards this time.  

2016-11-21T10:23:19+00:00May 19th, 2009|Blogs|0 Comments