Busy months for UNIGIS in Latin America …

//Busy months for UNIGIS in Latin America …

Busy months for UNIGIS in Latin America …

The last
months of 2013 were quite busy ones for the UNIGIS-team in Latin America
promoting the program in various events and welcoming a group of new students
from Ecuador, Colombia and other Latin American countries. As every year,
UNIGIS was present at the Latin American User Conference LAUC 2013, in
Lima, Perú where we had the chance to meet well-know and new colleagues
discussing the present state of GIS and its perspectives in Latin America. In
October, we launched the first ForoMundoUNIGIS at USFQ, Quito and at our
partner university ICESI in Cali Colombia. This event will be UNIGIS Latin America’s
own GIS-symposium that will be jointly organized by UNIGIS and its partner
institutions in Latin America aiming at bringing together GIS-professionals and
academia in a series of regional conferences in 2014. Last but not least, a new group of highly
motivated students started with their Master-career in November – bienvenidos y
mucho éxito!

2016-11-21T10:23:04+00:00January 5th, 2014|Blogs|0 Comments