Capacity Building Initiatives of UNIGIS Latin America

//Capacity Building Initiatives of UNIGIS Latin America

Capacity Building Initiatives of UNIGIS Latin America

During the last weeks, UNIGIS in Latin America carried out a series of capacity building initiatives in Ecuador and Colombia. By beginning of March, a new residential program for GIS-based Management of Indigenous Territories in the Amazon Lowlands was initiated under the lead of Richard Resl, UNIGIS program director at USFQ. He and his highly motivated staff welcomed a first group of members of the indigenous communities of Woarani, Siona, A’ I (Cofan), Siekopaai, Shuar, Kichwa, and Achuars to become part of this initative over the next five months. For further information please see:
In cooperation with the UNIGIS study Center at Universidad ICESI in Cali, Colombia two 5-day LIDAR courses were offered to an interested and diverse group of students of the Federal Department of Maritime Affairs (DIMAR) and members of the National Colombian Center for Coffee Research (CENICAFE), who showed great interest to introduce this technology at their institutions.
2016-11-21T10:23:02+00:00March 25th, 2014|Blogs|0 Comments