UNIGIS MSc 2016 successfully launched in Salzburg

//UNIGIS MSc 2016 successfully launched in Salzburg

UNIGIS MSc 2016 successfully launched in Salzburg

interaction with fellow students and the UNIGIS teaching team was one of the main
foci of the 2-day introductory workshop held in Salzburg. This was complemented with an overview of information on study administration and curriculum content, providing a detailed insight into the
UNIGIS distance learning framework. 
MSc study day’s on 18th and 19th February were attended by 36 new students from
Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The very diverse educational and professional
backgrounds of UNIGIS students contribute to making personal get-togethers in
Salzburg not only informative, but also contribute to an enriching and exciting start-up event.
MSc team is wishing our new candidates all the best for their upcoming coursework,
and are looking forward to seeing everyone soon again at one or another future
2016-11-21T10:22:56+00:00February 22nd, 2016|Blogs|0 Comments