14th GeoMundus Conference 2022 in Lisbon (Portugal)

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14th GeoMundus Conference 2022 in Lisbon (Portugal)

14th GeoMundus Conference 2022 in Lisbon (Portugal)

The 14th GeoMundus Conference, was held at NOVA IMS Information Management School, in Lisbon on the last October 21st and 22nd. With more than 75 attendees on site, and around 100 online, this year’s edition was called: “GI & AI: It’s a match!”. Nevertheless, the conference won’t focus exclusively on AI-related themes, but it will also include more broad discussion and presentations on other relevant topics on GIS.


The conference focused primarily on discussing main GIS concepts and the importance of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence algorithms for Big Data processing and analysis in the geographic realm.



The conference is unique because it is organized by students for students. However, researchers, professionals, and members of the general public are all invited and welcome. Anyone who is curious about geospatial technologies and their applications can participate in this conference! It’s a fantastic opportunity to engage with this exciting and fast-growing field and to network with those at the cutting edge.

Some of the keynote speakers were Dr. Werner Kuhn with the presentation entitled “What you may wish you knew when you learned to use GIS”, and Dr. Michael F. Goodchild under the subject ”Replicability over the globe”.

During the conference three distinct Workshops were also held: “Fundamentals of deep learning for computer vision”, “A Brief Look into UAS LiDAR Collection, Processing, and Analysis” and “GeoAI: A brief view of deep learning in ArcGIS”.


We hope to see you next year for more enriching experiences and to keep expanding even more the network of the Geospatial community!



2022-12-15T17:03:10+00:00December 15th, 2022|Blogs, Events|0 Comments