Annual Meeting – Girona, Spain

//Annual Meeting – Girona, Spain

Annual Meeting – Girona, Spain

The Spanish/Catalan UNIGIS site in Girona again hosted the annual UNIGIS worldwide network meeting on Nov 13/14, 2009. Representatives from 11 university partner sites were discussing eLearning didactics, curriculum development and new learning materials as well as innovative approaches to acquiring new GIS qualifications.
Integration among UNIGIS partner institutions is making substantial progress due to the shared access to learning resources, credit recognition and joint events like summer schools and workshops.
Links with the GIS industry are continuously enhanced through cooperation with software companies, publishers and consulting companies, assuring that UNIGIS curricula, accompanying software and application case studies remain on top of recent developments.
Congratulations to Gemma Boix and her team at the University of Girona for managing a very successful meeting.

2016-11-21T09:43:33+00:00November 14th, 2009|Blogs|0 Comments