Geospatial Competency Lifecycle
Published article in Geospatial World Magazine May 2016 By Professor Josef Strobl The definition of geospatial career pathways, offering professional growth opportunities following a geospatial paradigm with associated competencies, will enhance the appeal of starting [...]
5-8 July GI Forum | Special rate of €220 for active UNIGIS Students
This year’s GI_Forum motto is “open : spatial : interfaces”. The spatial sciences today contribute significantly to a more just, ethical and sustainable society. Prominent keynote speakers will highlight new developments, offer insights into trends and visions, and [...]
21-29 August | Summer School Smart Cities
Summer School Opportunity for UNIGIS Students @TU Wien The concept of Smart City is promising: The European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities highlights the opportunities to link and upgrade infrastructures, technologies and services [...]