Austria | Master of Science

/Austria | Master of Science
UNIGIS Salzburg team web

About the programme:

Wabengrafik_MScThe UNIGIS Masters of Science (MSc) programme provides an understanding of the conceptual, technical, and organisational aspects of GIScience (GISc). It facilitates career advancement through a postgraduate academic degree. Targeting working professionals, this programme will graduate students qualified as project, team or department leaders. The programme consists of 9 core modules (54 ECTS) and elective modules (24 ECTS), a learning practice (12 ECTS) and a Msc project (30 ECTS).

Programme director:

Prof. Josef Strobl

Programme coordinator:

Assoc. Prof. Gudrun Wallentin


This university course is aiming at continuing education of graduates from post-secondary study programmes through a flexibly structured and in-service study programme. Knowledge about Geographical Information Science (GISc) and its applications in the form of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are acquired as key qualifications, allowing for methodological and technical support of expertise from other disciplines. The graduates’ professional qualifications meet the needs of industry and public administration. Student-centred learning and communication methods aim at establishing a solid foundation for life-long learning.

Programme format:

MSc is an in-service online distance learning postgraduate course leading to an academic degree. The programme is designed to be completed in two years with a weekly workload of minimum 12 -15 hours. 120 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) points are awarded for all the coursework with ECTS points defined by the Curriculum.

Core modules:

  • GIS Introduction
  • Data Modelling and Data Structures
  • Data Sources and Data Acquisition
  • Project Management and GIS Organisation
  • geoDBMS
  • OpenGIS and Distributed GI Infrastructures
  • Spatial Statistics
  • Geographical Analysis
  • Visualisation and Cartography
  • Application Development
  • Academic Work

Elective modules:

  • Automated GIS Workflows with QGIS and Python
  • Enterprise GIS
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • EuroGIS – The European Dimension of GIS
  • Remote Sensing
  • Spatial Simulation
  • Application Development Basics
  • Application Development using JavaScript
  • LiDAR Remote Sensing and Applications

Programme information

The UNIGIS Masters of Science (MSc) programme provides an understanding of the conceptual, technical, and organisational aspects of GIScience (GISc). It facilitates career advancement through a postgraduate academic degree. Targeting working professionals, this programme will graduate students qualified as project, team or department leaders.


A Master Thesis is the final part of the requirements for the completion of the MSc course. Through the thesis a student demonstrates the ability to independently address a problem applying state of the art methodologies and presenting project outcomes in an understandable and scientific manner according to academic writing standards.
Definition of a thesis topic - thesis proposal - typically takes place at the beginning of the second study year and is subject to approval by the course leadership. Additional thesis supervision through an external expert in the respective field is recommended.

Admission requirements:

A minimum of a Bachelor degree or equivalent first degree awarded by a recognised academic institution in Austria or abroad is required for entry. NOTE: Other relevant study/training programmes completed and/or working/professional experience may be considered to partially fulfil the entry requirements.
The courses are taught and assessed in English. If English is not your native language you may be required to show evidence of proficiency (e.g. secondary education completed in English, TOEFL PBT 550 points / TOEFL iBT 79 points / IELTS 6.5 or equivalent). Students will be required to have computer skills at intermediate level, i.e. in using the Internet, communication software, word processors, and spreadsheets.

Qualification: Upon completion of all components of the course the academic degree Master of Science (Geographic Information Science & Systems) – MSc(GIS) is then awarded by the University of Salzburg.The course is based on a modular structure including compulsory modules, electives, the study phase "Learning Practice and Academic Work" and summer schools.
Tuition fee: Total fee payable in a single installment – € 9.800. Total fee payable in 2 equal annual installments – € 10.400 (2 * 5200).
Workload / Credits: The programme is designed to be completed in two years with a weekly workload of minimum 12 -15 hours.
Language: English, German
UNIGIS Institution:
UNIGIS Salzburg – University of Salzburg

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