Portugal | Certificate in Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT)

/Portugal | Certificate in Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT)

About the programme:

USGIF’s purpose is to promote the geospatial intelligence tradecraft and to develop a stronger community of interest between government, industry, academia, professional organizations and individuals. USGIF is the only organization providing Higher Education accreditation in the GEOINT domain, being a world leader in this field.

Programme director:

Marco Painho painho@novaims.unl.pt

Programme coordinator:

Tiago H. Moreira de Oliveira tiago.oliveira@novaims.unl.pt


Finally the students must write a thesis/work project/internship report about Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT), if enrolled in the Master degree program in Geographic Information Systems and Science. Or, alternatively: Develop an in-depth project in the course unit of Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT).

Programme format:

The GEOINT certificate can be awarded through completing 4 course units of the Master program in Geographic Information Systems and Science, in a total of 30 ECTS:

These course units can be complemented by a set of elective course units, in a total of 30 ECTS.

Core modules:

  • Geographic Information Systems and Science;
  • GIS Modelling;
  • Remote Sensing;
  • Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT).

Elective modules:

  • Spatial Databases;
  • GIS Applications;
  • Cartographic Sciences;
  • Geostatistics;
  • Geospatial Datamining;
  • GIS in Organizations;
  • Open Software and GIS Programming

Programme information

The Geospatial Intelligence Certificate, accredited by the United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF) provides education and training in scientific concepts, methods and key geospatial technologies, used in the solution of global problems of human security, including natural disasters, humanitarian crisis, environmental risks, military operations, political violence, public health and challenges in access to food.


Admission requirements: Qualification: Certificate
Tuition fee:
Workload / Credits: 30 ECTS
Language: Portuguese
UNIGIS Institution:
UNIGIS Portugal – Universidade Nova de Lisboa

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