UNIGIS thesis winning award at ETH Zurich

//UNIGIS thesis winning award at ETH Zurich

UNIGIS thesis winning award at ETH Zurich

Big time congratulations to Simon Häsler: he not only recently completed his UNIGIS MSc at the University of Salzburg, but also managed to collect the prestigious distinction of ‘Student of the Year’ at ETH Zürich, where his thesis was supervised by Prof Martin Raubal.

From the News at ETH Zürich:
In its role as Esri Development Center (EDC) the Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation once per year awards the EDC price for the best student thesis for which Esri technologies were used.
This year’s price is awarded to Simon Haesler for his thesis about „Erstellung und Evaluation einer service-orientierten Systemarchitektur zur ortsbezogenen blickbasierten Interaktion mit 3D-Geoobjekten“ (Supervisor: Prof. M. Raubal, Advisors: Dr. P. Kiefer, I. Giannopoulos). 


> Photo from award ceremony
> Link to full thesis

2016-11-21T09:43:07+00:00June 15th, 2014|Blogs|0 Comments